11th House
The 11th House card in the Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle represents the realm of community, collective consciousness, organizations, astrology, big picture thinking, the future, hopes, aspirations, humanity, humanitarianism, technology, and the internet. This house encourages us to explore our connection to the wider world and our role within it.
Imagine a scene where a diverse and radical group of individuals from all over the world gather around a zodiac wheel. Each person represents a unique perspective and background, yet they come together in harmony and unity. This image deepens our understanding of the 11th house themes by highlighting the power of collaboration, shared vision, and the potential for positive change when we embrace our collective humanity.
1. I am a vital part of the interconnected web of humanity.
2. My hopes and aspirations contribute to the betterment of the world.
3. I am open to new ideas and perspectives that expand my understanding.
4. I am a catalyst for positive change in my community and beyond.
5. My involvement in organizations and groups brings fulfillment and growth.
Exploration: I invite you to explore your 11th house in your birth chart. This house represents the areas of life where you can make a significant impact on a larger scale. Look for the sign and any planets present in your 11th house to gain insight into how you can contribute to collective consciousness, connect with like-minded individuals, and bring your unique gifts to the world.
Meaning: Now is a time to focus on these 11th house themes in your life. Embrace your role within the community, nurture your hopes and aspirations, and explore how you can contribute to the greater good. Remember, your actions have the potential to create positive change and shape the future for yourself and others.