Cosmic Lion
The Cosmic Lion card in the Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle represents the connection to Leo, symbolizing the regal nature of leadership and full compassion. This card invites you to embrace your inner strength, confidence, and the ability to lead with compassion and authenticity.
Here, a cosmic lion emerges out of the starry sky, with two heads representing the higher self and the ego self. The lion exudes a sense of power and majesty, while the two heads symbolize the duality within us. The higher self represents our divine essence and spiritual connection, while the ego self represents our individuality and personality. This image deepens our understanding of the Cosmic Lion card by reminding us of the importance of integrating these aspects of ourselves to lead with wisdom and compassion.
Affirmations for the Cosmic Lion:
1. I embrace my inner strength and step into my role as a confident leader.
2. I lead with compassion, considering the needs and feelings of others.
3. I honor both my higher self and ego self, integrating them harmoniously.
4. I shine my light brightly, inspiring and uplifting those around me.
5. I am regal and deserving of love, respect, and admiration.
Exploration: Look to Leo in your birth chart. This fiery sign represents your creativity, self-expression, and leadership qualities. Explore the house placement of Leo in your chart to gain insights into the areas of life where you can embrace the energy of the Cosmic Lion.
Meaning: Embrace your inner strength and confidence, and lead with compassion and authenticity. Recognizing the wisdom and uniqueness that both your personality self and higher self bring to the table. Shine your light brightly, sharing your gifts and inspiring those around you. Embrace your regal nature and know that you are deserving of love, respect, and admiration. Align with the energy of the Cosmic Lion. Fully embody your leadership potential and create a positive impact in the world.