Dearly Departed: Zodiac Wheel
As a 'Thank You' for being here and supporting my work as an astrologer, I felt called to share my knowledge with you in the form of a 'Dearly Departed: Zodiac Wheel'. I selected an individual for each astrological sign. I consciously chose figures who have inspired me and speak to the themes of their Astrological Sun sign embodiment. When I imagine them all gathering together in a circle in the Spirit world, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the many forms and expressions of we as humans can take. It is my hopes that this offering gifts you a moment of reflection and connection. ***Below you will find a write-up for each astrological sign. I also released a special bonus podcast episode that explores this same theme.
♈︎ Aries: Cesar E. Chavez
March 31, 1927 – April 23, 1993; Age 66
Aries, the pioneering Ram charges forward, carving out a path for future generations. As a Labor Leader, Civil Rights Activist, and founder of the National Farm Workers Association, Chavez’s life and work deeply speaks to the the ambitious and activist oriented themes of the Aries archetype.
“With a positive attitude, you can be anything you want to be.” – Selena
♉︎ Taurus: Keith Haring
May 4, 1958 – Feb. 16, 1990; Age 31
Taurus, the sensual Bull, connects to the practical wisdom of the body and Earth. Haring’s work includes sexual allusions that turned into social activism. He achieved this by using art to advocate for safe sex, Gay Rights, and AIDS awareness. Haring’s life is a testament to the Taurean mission of manifesting beauty through creation.
♊︎ Gemini – Anne Frank
June 12, 1929 – Feb. 1945; Age 15
Gemini, the communicative Twins, uses the power of one’s word to share a new perspective. As our youngest in the Zodiac Wheel, Frank speaks to the childlike curiosity of Gemini. With the incredible perspective to find Light in an extremely Dark period of humanity, Frank’s writing exudes the Gemini gift to build bridges between duality.
“We aren’t allowed to have any opinions. People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but it doesn’t stop you having your own opinion. Even if people are still very young, they shouldn’t be prevented from saying what they think.” – Anne Frank
♋︎ Cancer – Frida Kahlo
July 6, 1907 – July 13, 1954; Age 47
Cancer, the nurturing Crab, honors the past, home, and family through nostalgic reflection. Kahlo’s art processes deep grief around miscarriage and pays respect to her ancestors, all while reviving and celebrating the indigenous traditions of ancient Mexico. Her story offers a heartfelt contemplation on Cancer the Crab.
♌︎ Leo – Whitney Houston
Aug. 9, 1963 – Feb. 11, 2012; Age 48
Leo, the bold Lion, proudly expresses its Heart in face of opposition. Houston was a sunbeam — radiant, perspective altering, and impossible to touch. In true Leo fashion, her spirit lives on through her songs, continuing to inspire love and uplift spirits.
♍︎ Virgo – Marsha P. Johnson
Aug. 24, 1945 – July 6, 1992; Age 47
Virgo, the hardworking Harvester, humbly devotes oneself to serving the community. Known as an outspoken advocate for LGBQIA+ Rights, Johnson was one of the prominent figures in the Stonewall Uprising of 1969. She co-founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), a group dedicated to helping young homeless drag queens, gay youth, and trans women.
♎︎ Libra – Carrie Fisher
Oct. 21, 1956 – Dec. 27, 2016; Age 60
Libra, the Peacemaker, advocates for Justice and Equality. With blunt Truth telling about gender equality and mental health, Fisher became the face to many Women’s Marches and protests. Her portrayal of Princess Leia also acts a powerful symbol for Libra: diplomacy, intellect, charm, and compassion.
♏︎ Scorpio – Georgia O’Keeffe
Nov. 15, 1887 – March 6, 1986; Age 98
Scorpio, the intense Scorpion, transforms through Death + Rebirth. Living at the ‘Ghost Ranch’ in New Mexico, O’Keeffe enjoyed the solitude of desert life. She held a tremendous Scorpio magnetism with her exploration of form. From the ashes of pain, she resurrected a profound appreciation for beauty through nature.
♐︎ Sagittarius – Shirley Chisholm
Nov. 30, 1924 – Jan. 1, 2005; Age 80
Sagittarius, the faithful Archer, uplifts society toward an ever expansive goal. Being the first Black woman to serve in Congress would be a significant enough accomplishment for a lifetime, but it wasn’t good enough for Chisholm. So like a true Sagittarius, she set her site on the highest role possible and ran for president.
♑︎ Capricorn – Martin Luther King Jr.
Jan. 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968; Age 39
Capricorn, the responsible Seagoat, calls upon the strength of integrity, while striving toward the top of a mountain. From this high vantage point, Capricorn sees with clarity into amore dependable future. MLK Jr.’s wisdom continues to encourage Capricorn perseverance and endurance.
♒︎ Aquarius – Pamela Colman Smith
Feb. 16, 1878 – Sept. 18, 1951; Age 73
Aquarius, the innovative humanitarian, brings people together around a common theme or idea. Pamela Colman Smith is the illustrator of the most recognized tarot deck in the world– the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. With true Aquarian vision, her work continues to offer vocabulary for the expansion of consciousness.
♓︎ Pisces – Fred Rogers
March 20, 1928 – Feb 27, 2003; Age 74
Pisces, the mystical fish of Universal Compassion, holds the wisdom of all astrological signs in one. Mr. Rogers reflected this empathy through his life and work, using the power of imagination to instill the Piscean principles of peace, forgiveness, empathy, and understanding in the heart’s of young and old alike.