1st House

The First House card in the Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle represents the realm of identity, self-discovery, individuality, and purpose. It symbolizes the beginning of the astrological journey, where one awakens to the depths of their true self and explores their unique qualities and potential. This card invites you to embrace and embody the rising self, the version of you that is constantly evolving and stepping into your power.

The First House is intimately connected to the concept of identity. It often reveals the qualities, traits, and characteristics that make you who you are at your core. It is a reminder that you have a unique purpose and path in this world, and it encourages you to explore and express your individuality with confidence and authenticity.


1. "I embrace my individuality and honor the unique qualities that make me who I am."

2. "I am worthy of expressing my true self, allowing my voice to be heard."

3. "I awaken to my purpose and step into my personal power."

4. "I trust in the unfolding of my journey and embrace the growth and transformation that comes with self-discovery."

5. "I recognize that my identity is a constant evolution. I welcome the changes and discoveries along the way."

Exploration: Take a moment to explore your First House in your natal chart. Look for the sign that occupies this house, as well as any planets or points that may be present in your birth chart or in the current transits. Reflect on how these energies influence your sense of self, your purpose, and your individuality. Consider how you can embrace and embody these first house themes in your life.

Meaning: This is a time for focusing on your personal growth, self-exploration, and self-expression. How might your more fully embrace the energy of the First House and allow yourself to fully awaken to the depths of your true self? In what ways might you trust in your own unique journey of self-discovery and honor the qualities that make you who you are?