Libra – Esoteric Phrase
“i choose the way that leads between
the two great lines of force.”
The Libra Esoteric Phrase card in the Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle invites us to reflect on the soulful evolution of the Libra sign. The esoteric phrase for Libra is, “I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force”. This phrase is open to interpretation and offers a meditation on finding balance and harmony in life.
In the image of a person walking a tightrope at sunset over a vast body of water, we find a powerful symbol for the deeper meaning of this phrase. The tightrope represents the delicate balance that Libra seeks to maintain in their lives. It symbolizes the constant navigation between opposing forces and finding the middle path. The sunset signifies the transition from day to night, representing the duality and equilibrium that Libra seeks to harmonize within themselves and their relationships. The vast body of water represents the depths of emotions and the subconscious, highlighting the need for Libra to navigate their emotions while maintaining balance.
Taking a queer perspective on this phrase deepens its meaning further. For queer individuals, choosing the way between two great lines of force can represent the process of self-discovery and finding balance within their own identity. It can symbolize the navigation between societal expectations and personal authenticity, embracing both sides of their unique experience.
Serena Williams, a famous Libra, once said, "I've had to learn to fight all my life - got to learn to keep smiling. If you smile, things will work out." This quote beautifully reflects the themes of choosing the path between opposing forces and maintaining balance. It speaks to the resilience and determination that Libra embodies as they navigate the challenges in their lives.
For a deeper exploration of this esoteric phrase, you can journal about the areas in your life where you feel the need to find balance. Reflect on the opposing forces that you encounter and how you can choose a path that leads to harmony. Consider the tightrope walker as a metaphor for your own journey and explore the emotions, challenges, and triumphs that come with finding balance.