Tune in to the ancient wisdom of your body. Trust in the natural cycles unfolding around you. Gift yourself extra time to be in awe of the mystery of it all.

The Moon

The Moon represents our emotions, our subconscious, and our inner world. It is associated with our intuition, our ancestors, our psychic abilities, and our ability to connect with the spiritual realm. The Moon is a symbol of the lunar feminine aspects of life – nurturance, self-care and receptivity. The Moon represents our spiritual journey, our inner growth, and our emotional healing. It represents our ability to navigate the unknown and the unseen, to trust our intuition, and to connect with our deepest selves. 

Affirmation: "I trust my intuition and honor my emotional needs. I navigate the unknown with courage and trust."

Somatic embodiment: The Moon is connected to the belly and lymphatic system.  Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths connecting to these body parts.  Allow your body to relax. Visualize a full moon in the night sky, shining down upon you. Feel the cool light of the moon bathing your body and illuminating your inner world. Allow yourself to connect with your deepest emotions and intuitive insights. Trust that the moon is guiding you through the unknown, and allow yourself to surrender to its gentle and nurturing energy.

Meaning: Drawing the Moon card from the Cosmic Cousins Astro Oracle deck signifies a time of deep emotional and spiritual growth. It is a time of heightened intuition and psychic ability, and you may be more open to receiving strong messages from spirit, ancestors, or dream realms. The Moon card is a reminder to trust your instincts and to honor your emotional needs. It may also signify a time of uncertainty or confusion, and you are being called to navigate the unknown with courage and trust.

Exploration: This card also invites you to explore the sign that the Moon is currently in, as well as to follow the Moon phases. The Moon moves through each zodiac sign and transitions through its various phases, offering different energies and opportunities for growth. By attuning to the current Moon sign and phase, you can gain deeper insights into your emotional landscape and use this knowledge to navigate your personal journey.

Image: In connection to these themes, let's delve into the symbolism of the image: a stoic queer person with their back turned toward the viewer, walking towards a giant full moon. This image represents the enigmatic and transformative nature of the Moon's energy when experienced through a queer lens. The stoic queer person embodies the resilience and strength that comes from navigating the complexities of queer identities and experiences. The Moon, represented as a giant full moon, signifies the illumination and guidance that the Moon provides on the path of self-discovery and healing.

Queer Perspective: To deepen this interpretation through a queer perspective, it is an invitation to honor your unique journey and embrace the wisdom that comes from navigating ancestral wounds and societal expectations. The queer person with their back turned towards the viewer symbolizes the personal journey of self-reflection and introspection, while also representing the reclaiming of agency and self-empowerment. As they walk towards the giant full moon, they embrace the transformative power of the Moon's energy, finding solace and guidance in their own unique path.

By exploring the deeper meaning of the Moon card, connecting to the current Moon sign and phase, embracing a queer perspective, and engaging in somatic embodiment exercises, you can tap into the transformative power of the Moon's energy, accessing your ancient wisdom, healing ancestral patterns, and navigating your personal journey with intuition and self-care.